How Delivery is Disrupting E-Commerce

Ecommerce has altered the way that consumers shop and the entire retail industry. However in 2016 we will see the rise of delivery and transportation services creating the largest impact on Ecommerce and Online Experiences. The largest services are no longer just selling products, but also delivering those products to your home or work. Companies such as Uber, Lyft, and Postmates are fundamentally altering the way we look at purchases and products. Let’s take a closer look at these three services…



Uber has made lasting changes in the way that we view transportation. A single company may well succeed in changing the industry. However they are not resting on their success. They are now starting to transform the business of “business delivery”. On-Demand delivery could take the hassle out of waiting for your restaurant carryout, grocery order, or clothing buys. This is certainly a business to watch. For the 2016 Superbowl, Uber has partnered with Dick’s Sporting Goods to Deliver the Championship Team’s Shirts during the game[1]. With customers becoming used to instant gratification in online retail, UberRUSH will certainly be rushing to fulfill a great many orders in 2016.



Lyft and Starbucks have made an alliance to award Stars (loyalty points) to consumers who use Lyft while stopping by Starbucks. As a consumer you can also award your driver Starbucks Stars. This type of partnership ensures a mutual benefit to the both businesses as well as customers who live in city centers and use Lyft to go to work while also getting coffee. This program is part of the Starbucks strategy to have the most “ robust digital ecosystem of any retailer.”



One of the more popular restaurant delivery services, Postmates is looking to broaden its horizons by partnering with Etsy to offer same day delivery. This partnership is being tested in New York City and would allow Postmates to expand its service offerings and compete with Uber and Amazon for Same Day Delivery. Postmates is also looking to expand beyond the United States by opening operations in London in 2016. Will they be successful expanding beyond restaurant delivery? We will certainly find out in 2016.


[1] PR Newswire, 2016, February 5, Dick’s Sporting Goods and UberRUSH Team Up….

[2] GeekWire, 2015, July 22, Starbucks is Riding with Lyft…