Crunchbase Influential Women in Sales 2023

They’re taking the reins at their companies and driving explosive growth. They’re launching sales podcasts, YouTube channels and startups of their own. They’re creating safe spaces to empower female professionals and championing diversity in sales, both inside and outside their organizations. 

In celebration of Women’s History Month this year, we’re thrilled to highlight sales directors, account executives and other women who embody what it means to be a leader, innovator and change maker. These are individuals who were nominated by their networks and who we selected based on their business impact, leadership, innovative spirit and commitment to uplifting their communities.

MarTech Series Interview with Angeley Mullins: CMO & CGO at Latana

The role of the CMO has changed over the years from being primarily focused on just marketing to now having a much broader scope into growth, revenue, and the broader strategic focus of the company. Organizations are now understanding that marketing is one of the major growth drivers. In the past , product market fit was primarily focused on the relation between the product and the need of the consumer. However now, marketing is playing a larger role as companies understand that even the best products need a marketing machine behind it in order to enable growth. 

The Drum: Why Brands Need to Connect With Consumers More Than Ever

Marketing isn’t about solely promoting your product anymore. It’s about showing up authentically in the right place in a way that connects with how consumers feel about the world around them. From mental health and physical well-being, to sustainability and how they shop online, brands will need to change course and match these behaviours if they want to be successful.

“Brands need to connect more with the feeling that people have. It’s not just the product and what it can do for you, but it’s a feeling that is spreading through work, life, and how consumers are buying things,” says Angeley Mullins, chief marketing officer and chief growth officer.